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My blog is not for teaching hacking. I am an engineer by profession and trying to understand about these hidden criminals and their world. The honest intention behind ‘unite hackers’ is to prevent young computer techies from getting in to crime. This book has thrown light on various sensitive issues relating to hacking and hackers. There are so various aspects discussed in it on humanitarian ground.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

First picture of Osama’s body emerged...

The picture shows a soldier sitting next to Osama’s body whereas Osama face can easily be recognized in the picture. His left eye seems to be damaged and blood can also be seen on the left side of his forehead.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

“I came, I saw, I clicked!”

The age of clicktivists and how its hurting our ability to properly help others

When Martin Luther King had a dream, he woke up and made it a reality. When Gandhi wanted peace, he got up and marched for it. When Mother Teresa saw the poor and sick in India, she created a missionary movement. When Japan called on the world for help, we clicked a button..

Clicktivism” has become the common, derogatory catch-all for online protest. But it’s not always a fair one. Allying yourself to a cause online may be easy, but that’s not to say it accomplishes nothing

There is no doubt that the will to fight is in humanity; it never left. Egypt has it. Libya has it. Tunisia has it. But the world as a collective body has lost it when they joined cyberspace. However, we need to re-connect with the emotion and the fortitude that fights and protects. With a history of doers, it is sad to see a present of clicktivists


Hacks page 1:
- Comm View for WiFi v5.2484
- Pure NetWorks NetWork Magic 2
- Air
- AP Sniff
- Comm View
- Aerosol
Easy WiFi Radar
- Boingo Wireless

Hacks page 2:
- Get Wep Key Of Encrypted Wireless Connection
- WiFi Companion v2.10.4
- Net Stumbler
- WiFi Hack Tools
- WiFi Internet Access Blocker
- iPig WiFi HotSpot VPN Security

Hacks page 3:
- Hot Spotter v0.4
- Kismet
- AirShort v0.2.7e
- WiFi Hopper v1.2
- Wireless NetWork Ignition
- Wepwedgie - alpha
- Wep #####

- O-Reilly Wireless Hacks
- System #####ing 2k
- FBI Teaches how to break WiFi
- Collection of Hacking Dictionary
- How to ##### WEP

Plz download..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

India vs Pak Semi Final Match FIXED: India Recieved Millions Dollars From Bookie

Well, this news can not be very wrong as the India income tax officer claimed that India has received million dollars from bookie. Asian cricketing fans are doing rounds on the news channels where it has been claimed that the biggest game of the ICC World Cup even bigger than the final has been fixed and team India will lose it as it has been fixed with millions of dollars are on stake. Is this a rumor? Will India lose semi-final in front of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh? This is  a big sign of interrogation.
[EXCLUSIVE] India vs Pak Semi Final Match FIXED: India Recieved Millions Dollars From Bookie

“India Paksitan Semi final has been fixed and the result of Pakistan vs India Semi Final has been sold in billions of Rupees”, an India income tax officer Wishru Mandu Gupta says live in CNEB tv interview on phone call. Anchor asked him twice and he said more loudly that Pakistan will win this semi final and a pitch in favor of Pakistan has been set up. He claimed that “He had very authentic news which came from his sources in underworld. It’s likely being said that the match has already being fixed. “Dhoni 11 is going to loose the match”.
If India Pakistan Semi Final Fixed  is right news then it will be very much disappointment for both countries. Is this is a rumor then where is ICC officers? Why the Harron Logart is not taking action of this news. Either well known bookie named “Sandeep Agarwal” from Delhi was seen in Team India dressing room. He was sitting with the players in some last matches. While on the other side, Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik has warned his team not to indulge in any match-fixing.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Get free sample/Absolutely free worth Rs. 300 from P&G

Procter & Gamble has launched a new online portal named PGImprovingLife.com where on registeration with their website you can get free sample of various brands like Head & Shoulder, Gillete, Ariel, Pampers, Pantene and Olay. As their mail suggests, you can order sample for each brand and they sum upto Rs. 300 and claim that these products will reach to you in 15 days time.  For getting these free sample you just need to give answer of 2 simple questions which are not necessarily should be correct with your correct mailing address. Just get these samples today by clicking here.

Reliance Free GPRS Trick/Hack ...Free Internet With Rs. 99 Plan!

Here’s a trick to use free GPRS on your reliance mobile number without changing any APN, PORT and other settings. All you need to do is follow the below mentioned steps and get 2.5 GB of usage free! By following the stepsreliance Rs. 99 plan will be activated on your mobile number:

  1. Visit this link: http://bit.ly/idlPnA and enter the details asked for (Name and reliance mobile number ).
  2. You will receive a text message with a pin code (password for the next step).
  3. Now visit this link: http://bit.ly/gYvjIU and use the Pin code acquired in the above step and enter it.
  4. That’s it! Rs. 99 GPRS plan will be activated on your reliance mobile number.
In case the link in Step 3 doesn’t work, visit this url instead: http://bit.ly/h4Wexj. You can try this url along with the url mentioned in Step 3 to get additional GPRS usage but be careful as it might also lead to deactivation of service. And do leave a comment in case you are able to get this trick (hack) working :)
Note: All the tricks/hacks shared are making use of the loop holes in Reliance’s network. None of these tricks/hacks have been discovered/made/influenced by me. Please use them at your own risk.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Google buys Green Parrot Studios to enhance quality of YouTube video

We don’t need to mention the popularity of YouTube, and speaking of it, YouTube may introduce some improvements in the future according to the reports.

It seems that Google plans to improve the quality of its YouTube service after the purchase of Green Parrot Pictures. In case you don’t know, Green Parrot Pictures is a company devoted to enhancement of video content, and so far, this company has worked on several blockbuster movies such as Lord of the Rings, X-Men and Spiderman. Green Parrot Pictures are famous for their techniques such as removal of flicker, noise, blotches and stabilization, but they are also working on technology that should improve video quality and playback speed while reducing the bandwidth usage at the same time.