Well, this news can not be very wrong as the India income tax officer claimed that India has received million dollars from bookie. Asian cricketing fans are doing rounds on the news channels where it has been claimed that the biggest game of the ICC World Cup even bigger than the final has been fixed and team India will lose it as it has been fixed with millions of dollars are on stake. Is this a rumor? Will India lose semi-final in front of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh? This is a big sign of interrogation.
“India Paksitan Semi final has been fixed and the result of Pakistan vs India Semi Final has been sold in billions of Rupees”, an India income tax officer Wishru Mandu Gupta says live in CNEB tv interview on phone call. Anchor asked him twice and he said more loudly that Pakistan will win this semi final and a pitch in favor of Pakistan has been set up. He claimed that “He had very authentic news which came from his sources in underworld. It’s likely being said that the match has already being fixed. “Dhoni 11 is going to loose the match”.
If India Pakistan Semi Final Fixed is right news then it will be very much disappointment for both countries. Is this is a rumor then where is ICC officers? Why the Harron Logart is not taking action of this news. Either well known bookie named “Sandeep Agarwal” from Delhi was seen in Team India dressing room. He was sitting with the players in some last matches. While on the other side, Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik has warned his team not to indulge in any match-fixing.