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My blog is not for teaching hacking. I am an engineer by profession and trying to understand about these hidden criminals and their world. The honest intention behind ‘unite hackers’ is to prevent young computer techies from getting in to crime. This book has thrown light on various sensitive issues relating to hacking and hackers. There are so various aspects discussed in it on humanitarian ground.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Fly On The Wall And Its Social Effects - A Short Story From The Near Future...

The Facebook effect...

We have become used to the possibility that all our online conversations and interactions are recorded and stored somewhere. We are much more guarded about what we say or do online.
But we think of our offline conversations and interactions as mostly personal and private. We don't exhibit the same cautious behavior offline as we do online.
If I meet a friend walking down the street and stop to chat for a few minutes -- I'm pretty sure that that conversation and meeting isn't recorded.
That won't be true in the near future. And it won't be because of government "Big Brother" surveillance. It will be because of personal surveillance devices that people will carry out of choice for personal protection.
It will be as if there is always a "fly on the wall" watching and recording everything.
People will carry what I call a "personal fly" -- a personal security device containing a tiny video camera fitted into a pendant or broach, embedded in clothing, earrings, or in eye glasses.
If you are attacked it will have video and audio records of that event.
Why will people carry a personal fly? Because they can, and because the technology will be cheap enough and good enough to be used as a very effective personal security device. 

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